Best in class user feedback best practices

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How to guides

How to conduct user interviews as a product manager

How to conduct user interviews as a product manager

How to conduct user interviews. Learn how to conduct great user interviews. Understand user needs, validate assumptions and uncover hidden insights.

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How to conduct user surveys as a product manager

How to conduct user surveys as a product manager

How to do user surveys. Learn how to conduct user feedback surveys to measure customer satisfaction, capture likes and make data driven decisions.

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How to beta test as a product manager

How to beta test as a product manager

Learn how to conduct beta testing to create a better product, increase user adoption, and build stronger relationships with your users.

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How CEO's can best collaborate with CTO's to drive business growth

How CEO's can best collaborate with CTO's to drive business growth

Learn the best practices for fruitful CEO & CTO collaboration. Understand how to avoid possible pitfalls.

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How to do discovery interviews. Part 1: Recruit the right customers

How to do discovery interviews. Part 1: Recruit the right customers

How to recruit the right participants for discovery interviews. Understand your customers better. Improve your discovery interview skills.

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How to do discovery interviews. Part 2: Ask the right customer interview questions

How to do discovery interviews. Part 2: Ask the right customer interview questions

Learn how to ask the right customer interview questions. Complete with examples. Top tips on uncovering deeper insights from your customers.

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6 biggest customer interview mistakes

6 biggest customer interview mistakes

Discover the 6 biggest mistakes when conducting customer interviews. Understand the potential pitfalls and learn how to avoid them.

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[Video] Introducing Magic AI Surveys

[Video] Introducing Magic AI Surveys

Introducing Magic Feedback's AI Survey. Learn how our innovative AI survey works. Uncover deeper customer insights with real-time AI follow-up questions

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[Video] Create your first AI survey

[Video] Create your first AI survey

Learn how to create your first AI survey. Understand how you can receive more in-depth feedback from your customers with AI generated follow-up questions.

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How to build better products by creating a strong story

How to build better products by creating a strong story

Thought Leadership article with Vanessa Desi Damblemont. Understand the importance of creating a strong story, for building products that customers love.

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